Big Brains! An End of the Year Project

We are rapidly coming down the stretch to the end of the year (school is out May 21st!). I was talking to one of my teaching partners and we were discussing a project we had done last year to remind kids of our test taking strategies- and from that conversation a new idea was hatched... An end of the year project that would remind kids of all that they had learned this year and that was bulletin board worthy! 1.) So- the first thing we did was to create an anchor chart with kids listing many of the things that they learned this year. They had a ball taking a trip down memory lane. Here is our anchor chart- 2.) Next we created a self portrait. I gave them 12 x 18 white paper. The key to the pictures is to make a large head- about 2/3 to 3/4 of the paper should be the head. I told my kids they could make the portrait realistic- or they could make it more cartoonish- it was up to them. After they drew their portrait they colored them in. 3.) The next step w...